Study trip Singapore 2

The journey to discover Singapore and the region continues, with highly relevant lectures at NUS Business School on Winning Strategies for Emerging Asia (Prof. Pasha Mahmood), Green Finance in Asia (Prof. Weina Zhang), Family Businesses (Prof. Marleen Dieleman), or Geopolitics and Techno-Diplomacy in Asia (Prof. Alex Capri).


Experiential learning outside the classroom include company visits such as Illumina, a global leader in developing and manufacturing cutting edge DNA sequencing and array based technologies, or a panel discussion on Sustainable Finance in Singapore with Prof. Dr. Falko Paetzold, Managing Director, Center for Sustainable Finance and Private Wealth UZH and Mr. Wilson Tan, Managing Director of the recently established Singapore office of the Center for Sustainable Finance and Private Wealth.

As the study trip progresses, the reasons for which companies choose Singapore to establish their regional headquarters for the region and Asia begin to emerge: stability, connectivity, and – an important takeaway – speed are just some of the reasons.

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