Graduation Ceremony Executive MBA UZH 2019-21

In glorious sunshine, the graduation ceremonies of the EMBA UZH were held on Friday June 25, 2021 in the Auditorium of the University of Zurich. In a festive setting with musical entertainment and with representatives of the Board of the University, the Executive Committee and the Dean’s Office, first the participants of the EMBA with focus on Digital Transformation received their diplomas, followed by the graduation ceremony of the EMBA UZH with focus on International Management.

In the keynote speech by Benedikt Böhm, CEO of touring ski outfitter “Dynafit” and extreme mountaineer, Mr. Böhm drew parallels between the business world and his experiences in extreme high altitude mountain climbing. The “Alumni Innovation Award” was presented by Alumni President Marcel Rohrer to Rahel Tanner for the most innovative thesis “Digitalization and Ethics: Ethical Challenges for PostFinance on its Digitalization Journey”. The “Best Student Award” was presented by Program Director Thorsten Klein to Marc Schlieper, who excelled with the highest grade point average. The graduation ceremony was a festive conclusion of the first execution of the new EMBA UZH orientation launched in 2019.

The graduation ceremony of the EMBA UZH with focus on International Management took place afterwards. In his speech, Dr. Christian Keller, Country Head of IBM Switzerland, highlighted the various aspects of implementing the digital transformation in companies. The award for the most innovative master thesis of the Executive MBA 2021 goes to Patrik Busslinger and Patrick Strebel for their thesis “Development of a governance framework to assess the agility of companies”. The “Best Student Award” was given to Fabian Schmid by the Program Director Dr. Matthias Schaub.

The graduation ceremony continued with an apero and dinner in the beautiful garden of Wirtschaft Neumarkt in Zurich’s Niederdorf and in the guild hall “Zur Waag” and the graduates and their families were able to celebrate their achievements in a worthy atmosphere. We congratulate the EMBA graduates on their successful completion and look forward to welcoming them as EMBA Alumni and to staying in touch!

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