EMBA UZH exploring the Start-Up Nation – Learning Expedition to Israel

EMBA UZH exploring the Start-Up Nation – Learning Expedition to Israel

Israel currently has almost 7000 High Tech and Start-Up companies and it is ranked the number 1 country in terms of VC Investment per Capita (as a % of GDP). To explore this innovation hot spot the Executive MBA of the University of Zurich with Focus on Digital Transformation is currently touring Tel Aviv.

After touching down at Ben Gurion airport, the EMBA group was swiftly under way to downtown Tel Aviv, Gordon Beach. The expedition kicked off on Saturday evening with a reception and dinner at the Residence of the Swiss Ambassador in Ramat Gan. Ambassador Jean-Daniel Ruch invited the EMBA group into his home and gave a frank overview about the geopolitical challenges in the region and the role Switzerland plays in the Middle East.



David Biegeleisen, Innovation Adviser at the Swiss Embassy gave an overview about the innovation landscape and hosted a stimulating discussion with Gal Diskin, a serial entrepreneur from Tel Aviv.

Martina Dabo, Head of Strategy, Development & Innovation Wind & Solar at BKW AG said “It is amazing to experience the Israeli Innovation landscape and at the same time learn so much about the culture and history of the people and country and how this fosters the innovation mindset.”

On Sunday the immersion program continued with lectures and workshops at Tel Aviv University and visits to the Digital Health Center and the Nano Lab. The evening was rounded of by a networking dinner with 6 Israeli entrepreneurs, who were eager to share their stories and also to explore opportunities to engage in business relations.

The learning expedition continues with a stimulating academic program and visits to innovation centers, R&D Hubs and discussions with VCs and entrepreneurs. The expedition will be rounded off by a cultural visit to Jerusalem, Dead Sea and Masada. The Executive MBA is a ground-breaking 15 months program at the University of Zurich with a focus on Digital Transformation. During the program participants visit innovation hubs in Israel, Silicon Valley, Boston, Switzerland and Shanghai.

For more information about the learning expeditions visit https://www.emba.uzh.ch/en/programm/auslandaufenthalte/

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