Partners and Benefits

OEC ALUMNI UZH is the association for all graduates of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics of the University of Zurich. The association was founded to mark the University of Zurich’s 175th anniversary in January 2008 and already has more than 2,000 members. The objective of OEC ALUMNI UZH is to operate a platform for the benefit of graduates of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics (WWF) and to maintain ties with the WWF and the students of the WWF.

UZH Alumni
Founded at the end of 2006, the umbrella association UZH Alumni is a marketing and service organization for its member associations, which remain independent. Among other things, UZH Alumni ensures access to a cross-faculty network database of all members of the University of Zurich’s alumni organizations.

Special offers and discounts from UZH Alumni

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