Alumni Success Stories

Andreas Schmitt
Head Portfolio Software and Digitalization, Tecan

«The EMBA was perfectly tailored to where I was in my life and career.»

Stefan Kuster
Head of the Division of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Hygiene, Kantonsspital St. Gallen

«I apply what I learned in the EMBA program every day in my job.»

Salomé Iglesia
Head of Product Lifecycle Management at Siemens Mobility Switzerland

«The program helped me to expand my perspective, I learned a lot from both the modules as well as from my peers.»

Unsere EMBA-Teilnehmerin Isabelle Gerber und unser EMBA-Absolvent Florian Kohler im Interview

«Ich wählte den EMBA der Universität Zürich, weil mich das Programm überzeugte und der Rhythmus der Ausbildungstage passte.»

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