Financial Times Ranking 2019

Financial Times Ranking 2019

The renowned Financial Times publishes an annual ranking of the top 100 Executive MBA programs worldwide. In the 2019 ranking, the Executive MBA of the University of Zurich is ranked 74th among the best EMBA programs worldwide.

The EMBA UZH stands out particularly for the internationality of its faculty (“International Faculty”, 6th place), the satisfaction of our graduates (“Aims Achieved”, 19th place), and the work and leadership experience of our participants prior to the EMBA (“Work Experience Rank”, 31st place). The EMBA UZH has clearly improved compared to the last years in the area of gender diversity (21% female participants), as well as the internationality of the participants (31%).
In order to be considered for the ranking, the EMBA programs must meet strict criteria. For example, only universities that are accredited either by the US AACSB seal of approval or the European EQUIS seal of approval are admitted. The Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics at the University of Zurich is accredited by both AACSB and EQUIS.
The data for the ranking comes from surveys of the alumni of the respective programs as well as from the programs themselves.
Click here for the FT Ranking 2019.

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