Leadership Journey

While it is critical for organizations and individuals to stay ahead of emerging trends and adapt quickly to disruption, there is a risk of teams and organizations becoming distracted by constant change. In times like these, it becomes especially important for leaders to define purpose and provide guidance and direction for their teams to thrive in the ever-changing digital age.

This is why the University of Zurich Executive MBA has incorporated a robust and transformative leadership journey that spans the length of your Executive MBA.

In the very first module, you will define your leadership purpose. Under careful guidance, you will examine critical aspects of your professional journey so far to determine what drives your desire to lead. Drawing from the collective experiences of your class, you will identify behaviors that are the trademark of effective leadership and analyze those that are counterproductive. You will also undertake a series of exercies to uncover how you can channel your Emotional Intelligence to fulfil your leadership potential.

You will combine this knowledge to think about how you can create environments for your teams to perform at their best, and leave with a personalized action plan that provides you with a snapshot of your current leadership style, your desired end state and a four-week and six-month plan to close the gap.

Therefore, this course not only delivers evidence-based frameworks drawn from the forefront of cutting edge research, it is also carefully delivered to ensure you have sufficient opportunity to understand, apply and practice these concepts so you can act decisively when your leadership moment arrives.

As you move through the program, you will test your new knowledge back at work and bring the learnings from your experiences back into the classroom.

Midway through the program, you will expand your focus from introspective leadership to organizational leadership. Building upon your work on self-awareness and emotional intelligence, you will analyze and develop strategies to influence and motivate teams, lead across  differences to unlock the power of diversity and shape the organizational culture needed to embrace digital innovation.

Finally, at the end of your transformative experience through the University of Zurich Executive MBA, you will define your leadership legacy. In a constantly changing world, what lasting impact will you leave at the end of your career?

Your personal Leadership Journey is being complemented and supported by the LeadershipLab. In practical workshops, 1–2–1 coaching and supported by assessment tools and structured feedback, you will get input and support to grow as a leader. This space allows you to experiment with leadership styles and practice new ways of leadership in a safe and supportive environment.

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