Groundbreaking new Executive MBA with focus on Digital Transformation launched at the University of Zurich

Groundbreaking new Executive MBA with focus on Digital Transformation launched at the University of Zurich

On Sunday 13th October 2019 the new EMBA UZH with focus on Digital Transformation was officially launched at the University of Zurich. 28 participants make up the first cohort of the groundbreaking 15 months Executive MBA. Thorsten Klein, Program Director said “Using innovative learning methods like live cases, incubator sessions and the challenger concept this program supports students in developing their general management skills and understanding digital business models.

The new Executive MBA is a general management program with a “Digital Core” that introduces participants to business models and strategies to address current and future business challenges. The program is delivered entirely in English and the first cohort is made up of 15 different nationalities from a variety of industry backgrounds and 32% women. Rahel Tanner, Head of Procurement at Postfinance said “This program has brought together a group of talented, motivated and international executives and we are excited to share our experiences, challenge our views and develop our potential together.”

Teaching takes place mainly in Zurich and during the 15 months of the program students will be immersed in the innovation hotspots Tel Aviv, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Boston and Shanghai  and will also experience the Swiss innovation landscape. Klein said “We are working with the premium Universities Stanford, MIT, Tel Aviv and Fudan and the learning expeditions will also involve live cases with local businesses.”

During the kick-off day on 13th October the students experienced team dynamics and the principles behind “winning teams” through a number of physical and mental team challenges under the guidance of experienced Executive Coach and Outdoor Trainer Marius Boesch and his team. The following week  Prof Dr Jochen Menges teaches the first module “Leadership in the Digital Age”. This is followed by Prof Dr Michael Hilb who teaches “Realizing Digital Value Creation” in a Co-Working space in Zurich alongside established companies and start-ups. Prof Harald Gall – Dean of the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Informatics said “The University of Zurich is among the leading research institutions worldwide and the new Executive MBA builds on our strengths like the Digital Society Initiative. The program is designed to be relevant to today`s and future business needs and to fit around the busy work schedules of Executives. The EMBA delivers tangible benefits from day one.”

To keep in touch with the EMBA UZH connect with us on Linkedin. For more detailed information about the Executive MBA go to  – To meet us, faculty and alumni in person join us at the next Info Event on 12th November or register for a 1-2-1 meeting.






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