Executive MBA, Fokus 2024-2026: Digitale Transformation (Englisch)

Blocks 1-5

LeadershipLab “Leading diverse teams”
18. September 2024
Marius Boesch
Marius Boesch
“Winning Spirit” Performance Coach LIFO Certified Trainer
Leadership in the Digital Age
19. – 21. September 2024
Jochen Menges

This course delivers evidence-based frameworks on leadership and is carefully delivered to ensure participants have sufficient opportunity to understand, apply and practice these concepts. Participants will first establish their leadership purpose and build a robust, personalized plan to close the gap between their current leadership capability and desired end state. Participants will also develop strategies to influence and motivate teams and shape the organizational culture needed to embrace digital innovation.

Jochen Menges
Professor für HRM und Leadership, Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Universität Zürich
Digital Value Creation
14. – 15. October 2024
Michael Hilb
Michael Hilb
Lecturer in Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Digitalization, Titular Professor, University of Fribourg
LeadershipLab “LIFO”
16. October 2024
Marius Boesch
Marius Boesch
“Winning Spirit” Performance Coach LIFO Certified Trainer
Strategic Management and Digital Strategies
17. – 19. October 2024
Felipe Monteiro

This session will shed light on how strategic choices are shaped by digital transformation, the pace of change and the imperative it creates for businesses. We will explore how companies are adapting (or not) and leveraging new opportunities in this competitive, technology driven environment. We will focus on what companies are doing in the different dimensions of their activities and the key challenges they face while embarking on a digital journey.

We will place special emphasis on the digital strategies companies are putting in place to engage with external partners and to harness open innovation to reinforce internal capabilities, different collaboration models and the most advanced strategies in innovation scouting.

Felipe Monteiro
Professor of Strategy, Emerging Markets, Global Innovation and Knowledge Processes within Multinational Corporations
11. November 2024
Michael Hilb
Michael Hilb
Lecturer in Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Digitalization, Titular Professor, University of Fribourg
LeadershipLab “Peer to Peer Coaching”
12. November 2024
Rita Kunz
Rita Kunz
Managing Director at i2impact AG ICF Certified Coach
LeadershipLab “Piloting your Career”
13. November 2024
Daniel Porot
Daniel Porot
CEO – AGIR Porot & Partenaires Executive Career Consultant
Financial & Managerial Accounting for Executives
14. – 16. November 2024
David Oesch

This course equips participants with fundamental financial and accounting concepts to make evidence-based strategic and managerial decisions. Participants learn to connect financial ratios and key performance measures to strategy by interpreting their firm’s financial statements and understanding their relevance and limitations. This course will help participants become more effective at interacting with accounting and financial groups and to ask the right questions to leverage financial data to create winning strategies.

David Oesch
Professor für Financial Accounting, Institut für Betriebs­wirtschaftslehre, Universität Zürich
Digital Markets & Network Thinking
09. – 11. December 2024
Sven Seuken

While digital markets offer great profit opportunities, online businesses pose distinctive management challenges, like strong network effects. In this course, we will explore how to successfully navigate these challenges. We will discuss strategies for launching a new online business, strategies for gaining market control, and strategies for the successful evolution of a business. In the last part of the course, we will discuss how market design techniques, e.g., dynamic pricing and reputation systems, can be used to create a well-functioning digital marketplace, and what new business opportunities blockchain technology offers.

Sven Seuken
Associate Professor of Computation and Economics, Universität Zürich
Collecting, Analyzing & Interpreting Data
12. – 14. December 2024
Karl Schmedders

The purpose of this course is to study the fundamentals of
modern data analysis as they pertain to leadership in the
digital age. Participants will learn about the potential
pitfalls in data collection and how they may lead to biased
data sets. The discussion will then move to a critical
evaluation of the presentation of data in graphs or via
summary measures. Finally, the focus of the course will
be on the analysis of data sets and on the interpretation of
numerical results for business purposes.

Karl Schmedders
Professor of Finance, IMD Lausanne
Ethical & Legal Aspects in the Digital Society
06. – 08. January 2025
Florent Thouvenin
Markus Christen

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar.

Florent Thouvenin
Professor, Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Informations- und Kommunikationsrecht, Universität Zürich
Markus Christen
Managing Director der Digital Society Initiative, Universität Zürich
International Management
09. – 11. January 2025
Ingmar Björkman
Matthias Schaub

In the age of deglobalization, characterized by increasingly fragmented markets, companies are confronted with new challenges when doing business internationally. Managing staff virtually requires a more well-trained sensorium with regard to intercultural differences than interacting with colleagues face to face. In this module, we will look at China and Asia as an example to recognize management challenges and gain an understanding of the consequences of cultural differences in organizational practices. We will get an understanding of the business context in Asia and develop an appropriate people management approach for operations in China.

Ingmar Björkman
Professor and Rector of Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki
Matthias Schaub
Direktor des Executive MBA Programms, Universität Zürich

Blocks 6-11

Corporate Finance I
03. – 05. February 2025
Alexander Wagner

Even the most intriguing business idea will fail if it is not
competently embedded in a suitable framework of financial
management. An ability to speak the language of finance,
an understanding of what creates value, and an awareness
of how to orient an organization towards value creation in
a constantly changing environment are essential characteristics
of successful business leaders.
These two foundational, consecutive modules equip
participants with the basics of sound financial management
of organizations. Participants become familiar with
modern aspects of capital budgeting, company valuation,
financing, and value-based management. They will also
learn about current opportunities and challenges in
managing the value of companies in the light of technological

Alexander Wagner
Ordentlicher Professor für Finance, Institut für Finance, Prodekan Weiterbildung, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Zürich
LeadershipLab “Communication Masterclass”
06. – 07. February 2025
Lola Martinez
Lola Martinez
CNN Presenter Media and Communication Trainer
03. March 2025
Michael Hilb
Michael Hilb
Lecturer in Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Digitalization, Titular Professor, University of Fribourg
Organizational Behaviour & Company Culture
04. – 05. March 2025
Jochen Menges
Jochen Menges
Professor für HRM und Leadership, Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Universität Zürich
Disruptive Strategies & Business Model Innovation
06. – 08. March 2025
Kurt Matzler

In this course participants will be introduced to the theory of disruptive innovation and will learn the patterns that lead established companies to fail and new entrants to win. They will also learn how incumbents can successfully react to disruptive attacks and how new entrants can develop disruptive business models. A special focus will be on digital disruption and on how digital technologies transform business models. Participants leave with a new perspective on understanding customer needs and identifying growth opportunities.

Kurt Matzler
Professor für Betriebswirtschaft, Universität Innsbruck
Corporate Finance II
31. March – 02. April 2025
Alexander Wagner

Even the most intriguing business idea will fail if it is not
competently embedded in a suitable framework of financial
management. An ability to speak the language of finance,
an understanding of what creates value, and an awareness
of how to orient an organization towards value creation in
a constantly changing environment are essential characteristics
of successful business leaders.
These two foundational, consecutive modules equip
participants with the basics of sound financial management
of organizations. Participants become familiar with
modern aspects of capital budgeting, company valuation,
financing, and value-based management. They will also
learn about current opportunities and challenges in
managing the value of companies in the light of technological

Alexander Wagner
Ordentlicher Professor für Finance, Institut für Finance, Prodekan Weiterbildung, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Zürich
Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability
03. – 05. April 2025
Annette Krauss
Alexander Wagner

In recent years, sustainability has become a major trend
for corporations and in financial markets alike. Investors
as well as policy makers are increasingly requesting that
companies actively consider environmental, social and
governance (ESG) aspects in their strategies.
This course enables participants to define sustainability
and sustainability strategies in the context of corporate
social responsibility and corporate financing. They become
familiar with common investor’s sustainability strategies,
rapid changing policies and market environment when it
comes to sustainability. Working through case studies,
participants gain a basic understanding of opportunities
and challenges related to integrating sustainability
aspects in key business functions such as management
controls, reporting, and financing.

Annette Krauss
Director of Teaching/Wiss. Abteilungsleiterin Sustainable Finance, Institut für Banking und Finance und Kompetenzzentrum Sustainable Finance, Universität Zürich
Alexander Wagner
Ordentlicher Professor für Finance, Institut für Finance, Prodekan Weiterbildung, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Zürich
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
05. – 07. May 2025
Abraham Bernstein

We generate an estimated 2.5 exabytes a day. This data is also called the oil of the 21st century as it can contain a plethora of actionable insights. But the abundance of data makes consuming it like trying to drink water from a fire hydrant – a losing proposition. As a consequence, AI techniques are heralded as the solution.

This course introduces the relevant techniques to collect, process, and gain insights from large amounts of data. First, we will cover Big Data technology and illustrate how a start-up can process exabytes with simple scripts and a credit card. Next, we will introduce artificial intelligence techniques and how they can be used to mine data. Finally, we will focus on more recent AI technologies such as deep learning that have revolutionized many application domains. Practical exposure to these techniques and discussions on their maturity illustrate how they can be leveraged for businesses and society.

Abraham Bernstein
Ordentlicher Professor für Informatik, Institut für Informatik, Universität Zürich
LeadershipLab “Influence, Inspiration Impact”
08. – 09. May 2025
Simon Chadwick
Didi Hopkins
Simon Chadwick
Actor, Director and Executive Coach Trainer – Dramatic Resources Ltd.
Didi Hopkins
Actor, Director and Executive Coach Trainer – Dramatic Resources Ltd.
Economics & Behavioral Decision Science
07. – 09. July 2025
Björn Bartling

We will cover the key concepts of microeconomics. How
should rational economic decisions be made? How do
markets function and how can market outcomes be
evaluated? What are the most important sources of market
failures and what can the government do about them? The
course will also cover fundamental concepts in behavioral
decision science. We will discuss predictable irrational
behaviors and the consequences of deviations from the
assumption of pure self-interest. The learning objective is
to understand common pitfalls in decision-making, also
in order to avoid making them ourselves. In the last part
of the course, we will learn the method of “business
experiments,” the gold standard for studying causal effects
and evaluating management decisions, and design our
own business experiments addressing questions that arise
in our work environments.

Björn Bartling
Professor für Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Universität Zürich
Change Management
10. – 12. July 2025
David Seidl

In the digital age, companies are increasingly confronted
with the necessity of strategic and organizational change.
In this course, we will discuss how leaders can prepare
their firms for change. We will discuss the different
challenges associated with identifying the need for change
and with preparing the workforce for the implementation
of planned change. Based on real-life examples, we will
explore effective concepts and tools that can help master
those challenges.

David Seidl
Ordentlicher Professor für Organisation und Management, Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Universität Zürich
Marketing of Innovative Products & Services
01. – 03. September 2025
Sven Henkel

You have created a breakthrough new product that could
disrupt your industry, but can you successfully bring it to
market? After all, the world is full of innovation. The biggest
challenge is differentiation. This course combines the
fundamentals of consumer psychology, market analysis,
traditional and unconventional marketing and public
relations strategies, so participants can systematically and
successfully launch innovative products and services. Using
cases and real-life scenarios, we identify key success factors
for a successful innovation introduction, understand how to
build a successful brand strategy, create development and
launch plans for new innovations.

Sven Henkel
Ordentlicher Professor für Käuferverhalten & Verkauf, EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht, Wiesbaden
Service, Operations & Logistics
04. – 06. September 2025
Tarkan Tan
Christiane Barz

This course provides an overview of state-of-the-art prescriptive
analytics to approach business challenges in the
digital era. Participants learn how to analyze processes,
identify crucial tradeoffs and make value-enhancing decisions.
Selected topics include bottleneck analysis,
queueing models, dynamics of supply chain management,
and managing variability in supply chains. Participants
will also get familiar with concepts, concerns, developments,
and trends in environmentally and socially
responsible supply chains, and learn what can be done to
mitigate the sustainability impacts in supply chains.

Tarkan Tan
Professor, Chair for Sustainable Operations Management, University of Zurich
Christiane Barz
Ordentliche Professorin für Mathematik der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität Zürich
Leading with a Legacy
09. October 2025
Jochen Menges
Jochen Menges
Professor für HRM und Leadership, Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Universität Zürich
10. – 11. October 2025
Michael Hilb
Michael Hilb
Lecturer in Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Digitalization, Titular Professor, University of Fribourg

Learning Expeditions

US West Coast
02. – 06. June 2025
Various professors

You can read about entrepreneurship in a case and discuss innovation in a classroom but the only way to experience being on the cutting edge of business is to go to Silicon Valley. Here, you’ll have unfettered access to entrepreneurs and executives, learn about idea generation, start-ups, rapid growth, financing, IPOs, and leading explosive growth.

Discover the ecosystems that facilitate the entrepreneurial spirit, develop your innovation network, and discover the keys to building your innovative mind-set.

Immerse yourself in the unique ecosystem that combines interdisciplinary academic powerhouses like Harvard, Yale, start-ups in life sciences and data analytics that deliver scientific breakthroughs and technological advances.

The US East Coast is also home to some of the best-known technology and biotech companies in the world, which have been operating as large enterprises for decades. Perhaps it is the Wall Street effect, but investors on the East Coast take a more hard-nosed approach to business. At the Yale School of Management you will discover the difference in pitching, negotiating and team leadership in a rich learning environment at the US East Coast.

Various professors
US East Coast
09. – 13. June 2025
Various professors

You can read about entrepreneurship in a case and discuss innovation in a classroom but the only way to experience being on the cutting edge of business is to go to Silicon Valley. Here, you’ll have unfettered access to entrepreneurs and executives, learn about idea generation, start-ups, rapid growth, financing, IPOs, and leading explosive growth.

Discover the ecosystems that facilitate the entrepreneurial spirit, develop your innovation network, and discover the keys to building your innovative mind-set.

Immerse yourself in the unique ecosystem that combines interdisciplinary academic powerhouses like Harvard, Yale, start-ups in life sciences and data analytics that deliver scientific breakthroughs and technological advances.

The US East Coast is also home to some of the best-known technology and biotech companies in the world, which have been operating as large enterprises for decades. Perhaps it is the Wall Street effect, but investors on the East Coast take a more hard-nosed approach to business. At the Yale School of Management you will discover the difference in pitching, negotiating and team leadership in a rich learning environment at the US East Coast.

Various professors
15. – 20. November 2025
Various professors

Known as one of the most entrepreneurial countries, Israel receives the most start-up funding in the world after the United States. Despite having almost no natural resources and poor infrastructure, Israel emerged in the 1990s as a high technology powerhouse, becoming known as “Silicon Wadi.”

Here, you will access the effective and sustainable entrepreneurial methodologies used by established corporations to transform ideas into value generating products and services. You will be given state of the art models, theories and practical tools in fields of innovation and entrepreneurship, based on methodologies and insights that Israeli professionals and academics have developed over the years.

Meet with government and business executives and experience the ecosystem that drives entrepreneurship in the “Start-up Nation”.

Various professors
Asia – Optional Learning Expeditions
Januar – March 2026
Various professors

Optional Learning Expeditions
Besides the embedded Learning Expeditions to Israel and
to the USA East and West Coast the EMBA UZH offers two
additional Learning Expeditions to Africa and Asia towards
the end of the program. These immersive Learning
Expeditions introduce participants to different business
cultures and will be organized and offered subject to reaching
a minimum number of participants.

Various professors
Ghana – Optional Learning Expeditions
Januar – March 2026
Various professors

Optional Learning Expeditions
Besides the embedded Learning Expeditions to Israel and
to the USA East and West Coast the EMBA UZH offers two
additional Learning Expeditions to Africa and Asia towards
the end of the program. These immersive Learning
Expeditions introduce participants to different business
cultures and will be organized and offered subject to reaching
a minimum number of participants.

Various professors

Consulting on Live Cases

Live Cases

In some modules you will work on current business challenges from real companies in Switzerland, Israel and the USA. Instead of learning from business school case studies, executives of companies from different industries and sectors present the challenges they face and ask you to provide them with a business solution. Working in teams, you will draw upon the diverse expertise and analysis of your team members to create innovative solutions and receive real-time feedback from the company’s executives on the viability of your proposed models, processes, products or services.

Incubator Sessions

Creating Value in the Digital Age – A Core Competence for Future Business Leaders

The global pandemic of 2020 firmly established the necessity of a sound digital strategy for businesses to not just thrive, but to survive. During the crisis, retailers and restaurants without a digital presence succumbed quickly to pressures such as physical distancing while digital orchestrators like Amazon dramatically expanded their market share.

Today, discussions about digital strategy have swung sharply from „why“ to „how“ and „what“. Around the globe, general managers are quickly moving digital strategy out of its silo into core business strategy as they try to identify their roles within the digital platform ecosystem. Google, Tencent and Alibaba have established their prowess as orchestrators of digital interactions and transactions. Should new entrants pivot their business models to act as aggregators, feeders, or enhancers? Or, dare they take on the giants as orchestrators? These are some of the questions facing managers adapting to the post-COVID world.

As digital strategies are created, managers must also consider new organizational models to support a successful transformation. How should they structure organizations for work? Should teams be designed around fixed employment or projects? How should they coordinate resources in these new structures? The future or work increasingly looks very different.

General managers are also grappling with the social implications of digital transformation. While AI and machine learning can increase business efficiencies, governments may decide to step in to regulate their use if wide-spread adoption leads to wide-spread job losses or rising public concern over data privacy, security and ethics. For example, the pandemic of 2020 demonstrated that massive job losses can happen nearly instantly. While governments can support unemployment in the short run, the risk of large sections of the population instantly becoming redundant threatens the entire fabric of society. Therefore, governments will seek and champion industry partners who can channel digital technology to create both efficiencies and social value.

We have entered unchartered territory sooner than expected. Managers need a multi-disciplinary approach to creating digital value and fast!

This is why a core component of the University of Zurich’s Executive MBA program is the challenging pair of courses on digital value creation. Designed by Michael Hilb, an entrepreneur, board member and professor, the pair consists of Digital Value Creation and Impact Project Exchange. Together, they bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and practical applications to deliver relevant skills general managers need to survive and thrive in the next decade and beyond.

Grounded in Science

Digital Value Creation launches the pioneering journey with in -depth analyses on digitalization trends, the implications of disruptive technology, governance issues and digital platform business models. The course acts as a navigation framework for participants as they journey through the program and begin the Impact Project Exchange journey towards the Master Thesis.

Impact Project Exchange spans fourteen months and is enriched by being delivered in incubator settings and with feedback from change agents.

Pioneering participants are guided through four stages of the innovator’s journey – ideation, design, execution and amplification – through three lenses. Beginning with the lab lens, participants use science and established theory to inform the ideation and design of their projects. They learn to rapidly generate ideas, practise problem framing, and test their ideas against theory. Next, using the factory lens, participants plan the execution phases of their impact projects while fine-tuning their designs under the guidance of advisors and experts. Finally, the studio lens helps participants conduct rapid market-testing with end-users, including employees, co-workers or clients.

Participants who choose digital value creation as the focus of their program thesis can expand their projects beyond this course to develop a mature, sophisticated and vetted business solution ready to be implemented back at their organizations. Participants and their corporate project sponsors benefit from developing new efficiencies, processes or products with regular consultation and guidance with our expert faculty throughout the program as participants fine-turn their thesis.


Enriched by Experienced Experts

Throughout course, participants benefit from the insights of faculty advisors and seasoned change agents who have dramatically transformed businesses and industries. Industry experts from large tech companies, serial entrepreneurs, and leaders from traditional companies bring their significant breath of experiences creating digital value to shape the participants‘ projects. Feedback will be fast and strong but invaluable in helping participants understand how to clearly define opportunities, navigate failures and pivot to adapt.

„A key takeaway from this course will be for these leaders to realize that in the age of disruption, you cannot rely on formal structures“, says Hilb. „By collaborating with change agents, our participants will realize the power of networks as a critical factor in their continuing ability to create value and to make an impact.“

Delivered in Stimulating Environments

To create value in the digital age, the innovator’s journey must be tested in the field. This is why significant portions of the Impact Project Exchange are conducted in innovation hubs and start-up environments. „Setting the course in incubators was critical to the design of the program,“ says Hilb. „The setting immediately sets participants in the mindset required to innovate.“

Empowering Participants and Employers for the Digital Age

After successfully completing the course, participants are able to spot and clearly articulate opportunities, develop these opportunities into real outcomes. The journey to bring their projects to maturity allows participants to reposition themselves within their companies, expand their networks and sharpen their ability to create value for themselves, their organizations and, ultimately, society in a hyper disruptive digital age.

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