Graduation Ceremony Executive MBA UZH 2020-22

After 15 months of hard work the day finally arrived when the 28 participants of the EMBA UZH with focus on Digital Transformation received their well-deserved diplomas and celebrated this achievement together with family and friends.

The ceremony, held in the Aula of the University of Zurich, started with an address by Prof. Dr. Alexander Wagner, Vice Dean for Executive Education and Alumni and President of the EMBA UZH, who welcomed the participants and pointed out the important role of the  support network of family and friends when undertaking an EMBA.
Then keynote speaker Oliver Leisse spoke about the “4 Dimensions of the Future” and demonstrated, which opportunities leaders can use to make a difference.The keynote was framed with a musical interlude by award winning blues duo Christina Jaccard and David Ruosch. Then Jeanine Bönsel, Member of the Alumni Board and Thorsten Klein, Program Director of the EMBA conferred the degrees upon the participants.After the Diploma Award the graduation continued with an Apero at the UniTurm Restaurant, with spectacular views of the lake and the city of Zurich. There the awards for the “Best Student” and the “Most Innovative Master Thesis” were conferred. The “Best Student” award was given to Simon Inderbitzin, who achieved the highest overall grade in the class. The Award of “Most Innovative Master Thesis”, which is awarded by the Alumni Organization, saw Simon Inderbitzin return to the stage together with Simon Amrein to collect the award for their joint Master thesis “Unlock verbal communication skills driven by an AI application“.
The celebrations continued late into the night in the Guildhall “Haus zum Rüden” with a festive dinner.

We congratulate all EMBA graduates to this extraordinary achievement. We welcome them to the Alumni Organization and we are looking forward to staying in touch.



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