Digital exchange instead of a cosy get-together: This was also the fate of this year’s general meeting of the Alumni EMBA UZH. After the event had to be cancelled in spring due to the lockdown, the virus also made it impossible to hold the event in November. In order to be able to deal with the necessary business nonetheless, the general meeting was moved to the digital space.
Successful first video conference
In the evening of October 28th the time had come. A total of 35 members joined the first video conference in the history of the EMBA Alumni UZH. After a short introduction to the process and the voting procedure, the agenda items could be processed as planned. The minutes of the previous year, the annual report of the president, the annual financial statement 2019 and the budget 2020 were approved unanimously.
New responsibilities
Since the long-standing president Eric Schinzel had decided to resign from office, the board of directors proposed Marcel Rohrer, former vice president, as the new person in charge. Marcel Rohrer, elected with 32 votes and thus the new president of the Alumni EMBA UZH, acknowledged the achievements of Eric Schinzel and in his new role immediately took over the management of the current meeting. Martina Dimmler also decided to resign. Pascal Blum and Andreas Heinzer, both graduates from the 2018-2020 course, were elected as new members of the board.
Contribution to the Pandemic Fund of the University of Zurich
At the meeting, the members followed the proposal of the Board and approved a donation to the UZH pandemic fund of CHF 10’000. The fund, created in April 2020, is dedicated to support urgent research projects to overcome the corona crisis. The donation is financed by the capital resources of the Alumni EMBA UZH.
This marked the end of the first, purely digital, general meeting. The board of directors would like to thank all participating members for their active contribution and is already looking forward to seeing them again soon in “real life”.