«Alumni Refresher Best of EMBA UZH»

It was with pleasure that we welcomed numerous alumni/-ae to the university for the fifth edition of our refresher “Best of EMBA UZH”. After the welcome by board member Sandro Tschuor, some introductory words by Jochen Menges as member of the steering committee, Matthias Schaub and Thorsten Klein gave insights into the current class activities. Furthermore, Matthias Schaub pointed out the innovations regarding the two EMBA programs and their curriculi.

The subsequent presentations by Jochen Menges and Michael Hilb focused on a post-pandemic situation. Michael Hilb explained how complex today’s management and VR challenges are and presented frameworks on how to master them more effectively. Jochen Menges presented new, interesting study results on leadership in a hybrid working world and what this means for managers and their way of leading.

The event was rounded off by an aperitif and exciting discussions. Thank you very much for the numerous attendance!

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