«EMBA Alumni UZH Summer Party of 24.08.2021»

Anniversary, anniversary, which anniversary? In 1990, the Alumni Organization of the Executive MBA University of Zurich was founded as a non-profit organization, independent of the university. The 30th anniversary was to be celebrated on August 21, 2020 with a summer party. Unfortunately, we could not realize this plan due to the Corona Pandemic. So, the party took place with a one-year delay with our summer party on August 24, 2021. 

Let’s go! After we were already greeted with summer drinks by the team of the Barfuss Bar, the attendees were immediately engaged in conversation with their former fellow students. Many had not seen each other for a very very long time.

The official opening of the party was done by Alumni President Marcel Rohrer, followed by a cordial opening speech by Moritz Leuenberger. He spoke about the friendships and networks that develop during a joint education, which keeps us all firmly connected over the years. With a colorful mezze buffet, followed by glacé and brownies in a vendor’s tray, the evening took its course. The last conversations in the barefoot bar ended around midnight.

All the best again, dear Alumni Organization!

Text: Jeanine Bönsel
Photos: Hervé Windisch

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