
UZH Executive MBA Alumni – A Diverse and Supportive Network

When you join the UZH Executive MBA program, you immediately access over 500 driven managers and entrepreneurs.

A critical advantage of the UZH Executive MBA is the ability to exchange insights with diverse alumni from an ever-expanding range of industries. Your access to the network begins as soon as you start your program which allows you to immediately engage in interdisciplinary dialogue, synthesize diverse viewpoints and discover creative solutions to some of today’s most challenging problems.

The University of Zurich’s EMBA Alumni network offers a number of ways to help you stay in touch with peers and to form enriching new connections. Exclusive site-visits give you access to leaders from a wide range of industries, while talks and training events deliver fresh insights and inspiration. By staying connected with diverse decision-makers, you sustain your professional growth long after you complete your program.

When you join the UZH Executive MBA, you also access alumni from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics as well as the University of Zurich’s greater alumni network. If you have specific questions you would like to discuss with alumni, we will be pleased to connect you.


Alumni offers

Members of UZH Alumni as well as the affiliated member organizations can enjoy numerous offers and discounts - for almost every situation in life.
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